The Coma Galaxy Cluster
The Coma Galaxy Cluster located in the constellation Come Berenices about 300 million light years away. This cluster is one of the most dense galaxy clusters known, numbering well over a thousand. Almost all of the objects in this image are galaxies and most of these galaxies are elliptical. The two large ones (fuzzy) in the center are supergiant galaxies.
This matches my last distance record, Mice Galaxies
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  • Celestron 11 on a CGEM mount, Atik 460EX monochrome, Starizona F7.5 coma corrector, Orion off axis guider, and Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2 autoguider for guiding.
  • Luminance only: 40X 3-Minute exposures (2 hours) at F7.5
  • PHD2 for scope guiding. Nebulosity for image capture, calibration, stacking, and preliminary processing. Photoshop CS5.1 for final processing and Noiseware noise reduction.

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